The Finisher's Medal will be given to finishers of ONLINE KYOTO MARATHON 2021 supported by OMRON・WACOAL.
Its design was inspired by a Möbius strip, which was chosen by popular vote in November 2020, "Let's Vote - Vote for Your Preferred Finisher's Medal Design" .
Complete with a ribbon on which a pattern of Kyo-Yuzen (a traditional dyeing-technique in Kyoto) is printed, this year's Finisher's Medal is a quintessentially charming Kyoto Marathon medal.
We hope that the runners will stay fit and run the full distance safely and comfortably to win this beautiful medal.
<Medal ribbon design concept>
Due to immense popular demand, this year's Finisher's Medal is done in a Kyo-Yuzen print, featuring motifs that are believed to protect people from evils, which we believe is in keeping with the times amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
(Design courtesy of KIMURA SENSHOW Inc.)
Arranged on the front are motifs that are believed to ward off bad fortune—hemp leaves, a kagome basket-weave pattern, a shark-skin pattern, and a lattice. To celebrate this 10th Kyoto Marathon, the bamboo-shaped Arabic number 10 is designed with a gourd (to pull in evils and keep them inside), nanten heavenly bamboo (to drive off hardships), and a cherry blossom laid out within the number "zero."
Rear surface
On the rear surface is the scale pattern, symbolizing "revitalization" and "apotropaism," which are appropriate during the times of an ongoing pandemic.